Destination Digital : Finding and Building the Talent to get thereSource:   Egon Zehnder   09-08-2015 05:58:55
In a world where consumers tweet complaints in public forums, shop online as much as on high streets and express brand preferences on Facebook, excellence in digital is critical for business success. ...

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Chief Digital Officer (CDO): Technology + Marketing = New Enterprise LeaderSource:   ReadWrite   09-08-2015 04:32:29
What exactly is a Chief Digital Officer (CDO), and what does one actually do?

At the inaugural Chief Digital Officer Summit in New York in March, where I moderated a panel discussion with CDOs from such companies as Disney ABC Studios, BBC, PBS and Rogers, defining the emerging role of the CDO was a key topic....

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The Future of Work Begins with a Renaissance in Digital PhilosophySource:   LinkedIn   09-08-2015 04:24:51
Earlier this year, I received a wonderful email from Paul Miller and Elizabeth Marsh who shared the good news announcing their next book, The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering digital workplaces fit for the future. I was of course happy for them. I was also surprised and delighted to learn that they were hoping I would share my thoughts on the future of work as the foreword....

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Inside the Role of Chief Digital OfficerSource:   IIC Partners   09-08-2015 01:11:43
Emerging Leadership Series: An Interview with Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art ...

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Rise and Fall of the Chief Digital OfficerSource:   Stanton Chase   09-08-2015 01:02:26
In this digital age commercial success of businesses, whether they are services or product oriented or a combination of the both, is determined by how well information is used. This is not only true for use within the company but also for how well it is used and shared across the complete “supply chain”, being suppliers, employees across all functions, sales channels and clients. We believe the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), a relative new role within companies, is crucial in this. ...

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Social media from paid to earned Hazırlayan:   Begüm Eser      09-06-2015 06:45:51
•Have a purpose
•Use multiple networks
•Customize your message to the network
•Humanize your message
•Respond to positive & negative publicly Success in Social Media ...

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Chief Digital Officer : Korn Ferry’s Top 5 for 2015Source:   Korn Ferry   09-04-2015 12:09:55
The most in-demand C-level positions for the year ahead.

The Top 5:
* Chief Commercial Officer
* Chief Innovation Officer
* Chief Digital Officer
* Chief Cyber Security Officer
* Chief Sustainability Officer

Chief Digital Officer – The responsibilities of this role are morphing as a fast as the social media landscape itself. These executives are digitizing legacy applications, or rapidly enabling new apps for utilization on mobile devices. They also play a key role in orchestrating social media strategy. If a company can’t connect with customers and create engaging content – it will no longer be relevant....

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The Growing Clout of Chief Digital Officer: Dangerous Signs for CIOs? Source:   Chief Digital Officer   09-03-2015 03:50:08
Which statement(s), do you think, are true?

•The Chief Digital Officer (CDO) will replace the CIO

•The CDO is ranked among top three most sought after C-level positions for 2015

•CDOs will be among the highest paid job titles in 2015 ...

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Chief Digital Officers Now Attached to More Than $1 Trillion in Global SalesSource:   Chief Digital Officer   09-03-2015 03:40:31
Over the past ten months – since we last provided a quantitative update on the state of CDO affairs – new chief digital officer appointments have been announced at a steady, if not accelerated, pace. And the total amount of global revenues that CDOs now influence surpasses $1 trillion. ...

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THE INTERNET OF THINGS: MAPPING THE VALUE BEYOND THE HYPESource:   McKinsey & Company   08-31-2015 01:58:47
The Internet of Things—digitizing the physical world—has received enormous attention. In this research, the McKinsey Global Institute set out to look beyond the hype to understand exactly how IoT technology can create real economic value. Our central finding is that the hype may actually understate the full potential of the Internet of Things—but that capturing the maximum benefits will require an understanding of where real value can be created and successfully addressing a set of systems issues, including interoperability....

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