What is Smart Manufacturing ?Source:   YouTube   11-08-2015 01:18:42
The Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) is developing the nation's first open smart manufacturing platform for collaborative networked information industrial applications. ...

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'Automation is King? in next wave of GlobalizationSource:   LinkedIn   01-17-2016 01:00:18
Over the coming decades, a labor shortage in China will force U.S. multinational businesses to remake their China operations or pack up and leave. This change will start the next chapter in the history of globalization, ?where automation is king, nearness to markets is crucial and the lives of workers and consumers around the world are once again scrambled,? according to a front-page Wall Street Journal report yesterday titled: Demographic 2050 Destiny. ...

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Metso appoints Jani Puroranta as Chief Digital OfficerSource:   Yahoo Finance   06-01-2016 15:02:55
Jani Puroranta has been appointed the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of Metso starting August 1, 2016. The CDO will be responsible for driving the company`s digital transformation and overseeing the implementation of Metso`s digital strategy in close co-operation with all business areas. The CDO reports to the President and CEO....

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Sanayi'de Dijital Dönü?üm Platformu KurulduSource:   CDO Turkey   01-04-2017 16:59:48
Bilim , Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan? Faruk Özlü ba?kanl???nda Sanayide Dijital Dönü?üm platformu kuruldu.

Platform çat?s? alt?ndan TOBB, T?M, TÜS?AD, MÜS?AD, YASED ve TTGV gibi i? dünyam?z?n ve sanayimizin en üst kurulu?lar? yer al?yor.

Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakan? Faruk Özlü, yeni sanayi devriminde, birçok i?i robotlar?n ve makinelerin yapaca??, dolay?s?yla insan?n öneminin azalaca?? gibi yanl?? bir alg? oldu?unun alt?n? çizerek, "?nsan?n önemi azalmak bir yana dursun, daha da artacak. Yeni meslekler ortaya ç?kacak. Yeni dünya düzeninde en önemli sermaye e?itimli ve nitelikli insan kayna?? olacak" dedi.

Sanayide Dijital Dönü?üm Platformu Haz?rl?k Toplant...

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UNDERSTANDING THE SMART FACTORYSource:   Manufacturing Leadership   01-28-2017 06:04:16
The term describes an environment where machinery and equipment are able to improve processes through automation and self-optimization. The benefits also extend beyond just the physical production of goods and into functions like planning, supply chain logistics, and even product development....

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