| | Source: No Jitter 10-14-2017 09:30:13 | Your organization may be feeling some pressure to investigate and undergo a digital transformation project. Your competition is embracing it, but you are not sure what digital transformation is or what its impacts will be. How do you get there? And who's in charge? Things can quickly become overwhelming, and digital transformation can start to seem like more than IT or a business unit can successfully deploy....
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| | Source: Digital Signage Connection 10-15-2017 09:30:42 | MILFORD, Conn., Oct. 10, 2017 /PRNewswire/ ? Subway® restaurants announces Carissa Ganelli has been promoted to Chief Digital Officer. Ganelli is responsible for the brand?s global digital strategy and will lead Subway Digital, a team dedicated to transforming the guest experience through the integration of digital tools and an omni-channel strategy....
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| | Source: ComputerWorld 01-11-2018 12:18:21 | Uzman arama ve bulma platformu Expertera, Türk firmalar?n?n dijital dünyaya ne düzeyde uyum sa?lad???n? belirlemek amac?yla uzmanl?k platformundaki teknoloji uzmanlar?yla bir anket çal??mas? gerçekle?tirdi....
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| | Source: Haberler.com 03-05-2018 12:30:57 | Günümüz dünyas?nda tüm sektörlerde oldu?u gibi perakende sektöründe de büyük bir dijital dönü?üm süreci ya?an?yor....
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| | Source: Dünya Gazetesi 03-07-2018 12:30:27 | Microsoft Türkiye Genel Müdür Yard?mc?s? Murat Y?lmaz ile Türkiye?de ?irketlerin dijital dönü?üme bak???n? ve yapay zekan?n bu alandaki etkisini konu?tuk....
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| | Source: Hürriyet 03-15-2018 12:00:39 | DÜNYADA oldu?u gibi Türkiye?de de i?letmelerin teknolojik geli?melere ve dijital dönü?üme a??rl?k vermeleri gerekti?i aç?k. Bu kapsamda sadece büyüklerin de?il, KOB??lerin dijital dönü?ümü de hem kendileri hem Türkiye ekonomisi aç?s?ndan büyük önem ta??yor....
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| | Source: CDO World 06-04-2018 11:40:23 | Digital Women On Boards platformu aç?l?? toplant?s? 12 Nisan?da Bjk Plaza Egon Zehnder ofisinde üst düzey kad?n teknoloji yöneticilerin de kat?l?m?yla yap?ld?....
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| | Source: Innovation Enterprise 10-04-2018 07:45:44 | Adam Mosseri, who was previously head of product, takes the reigns of the photo-sharing app following the departure of its co-founders last week...
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| | Source: CIO 11-27-2018 07:00:18 | Expect companies to scale-back their Big Bang change rhetoric in favor of a more iterative approach to innovation, a shift to product management, and renewed efforts around operational efficiency....
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| | Source: Express Computer 01-05-2019 06:00:39 | Kicking off Information Age's Digital Transformation month, we look at everything you need to know about what is digital transformation in business; the challenges, the technologies and above all, how to succeed...
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